Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Truth About Nonprofits: Albany Strip Club Loses Tax Exemption Argument


Wonder why there is a negative perception about the nonprofit sector? What would you say if you found out an adult entrainment business in your city was tax exempt? Clearly there is a lack of understanding about the value and educational purpose that are the underlying focus of nonprofits. Case in point, an Albany strip club, Nite Moves, argued (with testimony from a cultural anthropologist who has studied exotic dance and visited Nite Moves) that lap dances should be considered choreographed performances (like ballet) and tax exempt.

Right, that makes sense. And why not argue this in the court system because this is an injustice that should be addressed. Too bad the courts (and everyone else...except for the Nite Moves owners) disagreed. As msnbc relates, four Appellate Division justices agreed with a state tax appeals commission's earlier finding that dances onstage or in private rooms at the club Nite Moves in suburban Albany don't qualify for a state tax exemption as "dramatic or musical arts performances."

Just what we need in the news, a strip club making an argument for not paying taxes and comparing themselves to a nonprofit cultural organization. This isn't just silly, it is outright nonsense. Hey Nite Moves's owners, what are those taxable dollars you so strongly are opposed to paying being used for, other than paying your attorneys? Did you know that nonprofits reinvest any revenue into their mission and programs? Here's a quick suggestion for your appeals case. Consider adding some adult dance classes and some outreach programs and emphasize how you serve the needy and unfortunate. Good luck.

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