Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Honor an Outstanding Board Member

2013 Michael H. Urbach, CPA, Community Builders Award Now Accepting Nominations
Submission Accepted through August 23rd, 2013 Sponsored by the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA)
Berardi Award 2012
Left to right: Doug Sauer, NYCON CEO; Allen Fetterman, CPA; William F. Berardi, CPA, 2012 Urbach Award Recipient; Ellen Kotlow, NYCON Board President
The New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. (NYCON) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA) are pleased to announce this call for nominations.
The award is named in honor of the late Michael H. Urbach, CPA, former partner of Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, former NYS Commissioner of Tax and Finance and Chair of the State Employees federated Appeal, and board leader of a number of charities. This award is in recognition of the important role, talents and leadership that a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in New York State can provide as a board member for community-based charities.  

Award Criteria & Submission 
Candidates must:

  1. Be a CPA in good standing and a member of NYSSCPA
  1. Have served as an Officer on at least 3 different charitable 501c(3) community-based nonprofits with service as President/Chair at least once
  1. Have demonstrated exemplary board leadership resulting in significant and positive organizational impact including, but not limited to, financial turn-around, growth, and/or organizational re-structuring; and
  1. Preference will be given to nominees whose board leadership accomplishments have been with community-based charities
 Nominations addressing the candidate's qualifications must be received by August 23rd, 2013.  Nominators are strongly encouraged to address the qualifications related to the four (4) criteria mentioned above and to include at least three (3) letters of support from the charities who have benefited from the candidate's volunteer leadership. 

To Nominate a CPA: 
Email your submission to Melissa Currado at or mail two (2) packets of nomination materials to: Urbach Community Builders Award Committee, NYCON, 272 Broadway, Albany NY 12204.

For more information, visit NYCON on the web at or contact us via phone at (800) 515-5012.

Announcement & Presentation 
Craig Sickler, CPA receives the Urbach Community Builder Award
Craig Sickler, CPA receives the Urbach Community Builders Award at the 2006 Annual Meeting
The 2013 award will be formally presented at the Annual Member Meeting of NYCON slated for the afternoon of October 10th, 2013at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York. 

The Luncheon will take place during CAMP FINANCE, a two-day retreat that provides the very best in knowledge, skill and strategy sessions for nonprofit staff and volunteer leaders. 
In honor of the late Harold Mandel, a CPA who worked for Urbach, Kahn & Werlin in Albany, NY and retired in West Palm Beach, FL, the 2013 Urbach Honoree has the privilege to award one (1) nonprofit executive of their choice a Camp Finance scholarship in Hal's name.  In 2009, Mr. Mandel's family accepted a posthumous Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award in his honor.
Thank You to Our Supporters!

NYCON and NYSSCPA would like to recognize The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Regionfor their grant contribution towards the Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award.

Past Urbach Award Honorees
Lewis Kramer, Urbach Award Recipient and Doug Sauer, CEO, NYCON
Lew Kramer, CPA and Doug Sauer, 
William F. Berardi, CPA

Thomas D. Weddell, CPA; Newburgh

Edward S. Mucenski, CPA; Potsdam   


Lewis "Lew" Kramer, CPA; Chappaqua   


Mel Zachter, CPA; Staten Island      
Eugene H. Fleishman, CPA; Poughkeepsie

Craig Sickler, CPA

Paul Battaglia
CPA, Batavia

Co-sponsored by
The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants  


Thursday, April 11, 2013

News from the New York Council for the Humanities

State Legislature Renews Support for the Humanities

Last year, the New York State Legislature designated $450,000 to the New York Council for the Humanities in support of robust public humanities activities throughout NYS. We're thrilled to report that the budget agreement passed last month renews that support for 2013-2014! We anticipate that these funds will reach us in Spring 2014, helping us to serve a million New Yorkers every year with urgently needed cultural offerings. You can use our simple online tool to thank your state legislators for doing the right thing once again. Encourage your congressional representatives to sign the Dear Colleague Letter today >

A Seat at "The Roundtable"

We're collaborating with WAMC Northeast Public Radio and six more state humanities councils on "Thinking Out Loud," a new segment on "The Roundtable," hosted by Joe Donahue. Tune in starting this Friday, April 12 at 10:35 am for freewheeling discussion of up-and-coming humanities ideas and issues. The new radio segment is co-produced by humanities councils throughout the WAMC listening area, from New Jersey to New Hampshire. Not in the listening area? Hear WAMC online for free.   

UnityNYC Grants Bring Communities Together

In order to strengthen understanding among and across the diverse communities of New York City, the inaugural UnityNYC Grant Awards have announced $45,564 to support projects by sixteen organizations in eleven neighborhoods across all five boroughs. The Council was invited to participate in this innovative fund by the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Citizens Committee for New York City.

To see the article online click here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Special 4-Day Bonus Issue from the Blue Avocado

Free Webinar! Google Analytics for the Enthusiastic Beginner
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:00 pm eastern /12:00 noon Pacific
Speaker:  Bonnie Massa, Massa & Company
Wonder what all the hype is about around web analytics? Thanks to Blue Avocado and American Nonprofits, you can join this overview of Google Analytics, a free web analytics tool that shows you how visitors are using your site. We will start with how to capture data on visitors and then hit the highlights of using Google Analytics to improve your website. This overview is for beginners and executives that want to know the value of the tool but not necessarily how to operate it . . . Click here to register free . . . offer closes March 15, 2013.
Another Free Webinar! Nonprofit Sustainability:  Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability 
April 12, 2013  12:00 pm eastern/9:00 am pacific
Speakers:  Jan MasaokaBlue Avocado and CEO of CalNonprofits, and Steve Zimmerman, Spectrum Nonprofit Services
Too often program goals are discussed separately from financial means, although we all know that both must be discussed together. Jan and Steve will present the methodology for doing so from the book they co-authored with Jeanne Bell: Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability. This model can be used as an adjunct to or substitute for traditional strategic planning. Click here to register free. Offer ends March 15.
Board Recruitment Time? Learn the Blue Ribbon Nominating Committee Technique
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 3:00 pm eastern/12:00 pm pacific
Speaker:  Jan Masaoka, Blue Avocado and CEO of CalNonprofits
Board recruitment discussions usually start with the tired question, "Who do we know?" Instead, let's start with "What are the three most important things for the board to accomplish this year, and what kind of board members do we need in order to do so?" Tested successfully with hundreds of nonprofits, we'll also tackle some difficult questions such as whether and how to recruit people of different races or educational backgrounds, whether to have clients or parents (or other direct beneficiaries) on the board, and whether to have fundraising or donation requirements. Based on the tested and popular Blue Ribbon Nominating Committee technique. Click here to register free . . . through March 15 only.
Free "Gift of Learning" online courses from Cornerstone
This was such a hit in the last Bonus Issue, we’re pleased to offer this again. And we’re grateful to Cornerstone to offer this once more to Blue Avocado readers and American Nonprofit members!
The Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation established the “Gift of Learning” program to over 40 classes of downloadable e-learning content -- such as leadership training, effective communication, project management, and desktop product tutorials -- to nonprofit professionals at no cost.
The Foundation is offering this to five individuals per organization...and 300 organizations will be selelcted to receive the access to the Gift of Learning library. How do you become eligible? The first 300 Blue Avocado readers that respond on March 15, 2013 (starting 9 am Pacific/12 noon Eastern) are eligble.  Send an email to Blue Avocado's Susan Sanow at with the subject line "Gift of Learning” will be awarded the opportunity to access thousands of courses. Your e-mail must include the following information:
• Your organization's name
• Nonprofit tax ID number: you must have U.S. 501(c)(3) status to qualify
• Name of the contact person, and contact person's e-mail address and phone number
Once we reach 300 interested organizations, this offer will expire.
If your organization is chosen to participate, you will receive an introductory email directly from the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation no later than March 29, 2013. Selected nonprofits will have access to the Gift of Learning for a three month period (April 1, 2013-July 1, 2013.)
(And if you were awarded the "Gift of Learning" last fall, please step aside and let another organization benefit!)
April 1? No Foolin'… It’s a Blue Avocado Contest!
As April Fool's Day approaches, we wonder what our best April Fool's joke news headlines would be for the nonprofit community. So give it a try. Submit your headline with a 2-to-3 sentence opening paragraph. Here is a sample to get you started:
AmeriCorps to Exclusively Serve Businesses in 2014
The AmeriCorps program announced that beginning in 2014, AmeriCorps Volunteers will only be placed in small for-profit businesses.  While historically placed with nonprofits, it is clear that nonprofits are better managed and there is a greater need to support the small business community.
Submit your April 1 headline and 2-3 opening sentences  Use the subject line April Fool's. Send in your entry by Friday, March 22, 2013.  You may be featured in our special April Fool's Day issue!  What's in it for our top 10 favorite/funniest entries? You'll win a copy of Jan Masaoka’s book, The Nonprofit’s Guide to Human Resources. Good luck!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

February 2013: Empire State Development E-Newsletter

February 2013: Empire State Development E-Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 2

Spotlight on Success
Raymour & Flanigan creates 300 new jobs, invests $46 million in Rockland County

Governor Cuomo has said his number one priority is creating jobs, jobs and
more jobs. As New York State's economic development agency, Empire State Development works to retain and grow existing companies, lay the ground work for future job-creating industries and make New York State the place to do business.

One of the companies ESD has worked closely with over the years is Raymour & Flanigan, a family-owned furniture retailer founded in Syracuse in 1947. As a result of this close ESD/company partnership, Raymour & Flanigan last year announced plans to significantly expand its New York operations by establishing a new regional distribution center in Rockland County, creating 300 new jobs that will result in over $135 million in wages for local employees over the next ten years. Continue reading more.
What NYS Can Do for You: The Tax Credits of the Excelsior Program
Businesses committed to growing in New York State may be eligible for substantial tax savings through Empire State Development's Excelsior Jobs Program
Created in 2011, the Excelsior Jobs Program was conceived to provide job creation and investment incentives to firms in industries like biotechnology, pharmaceutical, high-tech, clean-technology, green technology, financial services, agriculture and manufacturing. The program encourages businesses to expand in and relocate to New York State. To learn more click here.
Regional Spotlight
North Country named a "Top Performer,
" awarded $90.2 million 
The North Country was named a "Top Performer" in Round Two of the Regional Economic Development Council initiative. The North Country Regional Economic Development Council (NCREDC) credits its accomplishments to the collaboration across all sectors -business, labor, education and government - as well as unprecedented public participation from all corners of the seven county region. Consistent with Governor Cuomo's vision for the regional councils serving as a community-based approach to economic development, public participation helped differentiate the North Country plan and its priorities. This Round Two achievement continues the momentum from Round One and has the NCREDC busy implementing its Strategic Plan and the projects that support the region's vision for economic growth and prosperity. For full story, click here.
And the Winners Are:
NYSFILM tax credit program participants are well respected during award season
 The New York State Film Production Tax Credit program, administered by Empire State Development, successfully attracted 135 new projects to the state over the course of 2012. In addition to creating jobs for thousands of New Yorkers and attracting billions of dollars annually, these shows and films have gained critical acclaim for their artistic merit. The year's crop of productions includes television shows and films that have been nominated for some of the most prestigious awards in the industry. 
 For the full story,  click here. 
Open Budget
"Bringing the people back into government..."

In January, Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed the 2013-14 Executive Budget and Management Plan, which builds on two years of balanced, fiscally responsible budgeting and invests in economic development, education reform and Superstorm Sandy rebuilding. The proposed budget also provides support to local governments and school districts and includes no new taxes or fees.
With state finances steadied, New York has the means to target new spending to grow the economy, create jobs and train students for the demands of the 21st Century workforce.   Governor Cuomo's budget proposal includes some exciting new economic development initiatives while maintaining support for key programs like the Regional Economic Development Councils and the New York Open for Business campaign. For full story, 
click here.
New York Loves Groups
Group Travel is getting big in New York State
Group travel is big business.  Whether it is individuals joining group trips organized by a travel company, or individual groups chartering their own trips through tour operators, many travelers get to experience New York's exciting tourism attractions as part of a group tour.  In fact, according to the American Bus Association, the direct economic impact of the motorcoach tourism industry in New York State in 2012 was over $1.9 billion for things like: hotel and lodging; eating and drinking establishments; entertainment and amusement; and retail.

Recognizing the importance of the group tour industry, the I Love New York tourism team has stepped up its outreach to this vital industry segment.  The new 2013-14 I Love NY Group Travel Guide was released last month, in time for the important industry tradeshows taking place in January. For full story, click here.
ESD activities around New York State that you can attend

Following Governor Cuomo's presentation of his proposed 2013-14 Executive Budget in January, Kenneth Adams, Western NY Regional President Sam Hoyt and other ESD officials were back on the road, touring the state to deliver the governor's agenda directly to local community organizations and chambers of commerce.  Presentations continuethrough February. View full schedule.

For the online version Click Here

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli's Weekly News

Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli's Weekly News

DiNapoli Reaches Agreement with Cabot Oil and Gas to Disclose Policies on Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced Tuesday that Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation has agreed to publicly disclose its policy and procedures for eliminating or minimizing the use of toxic substances in its hydraulic fracturing fluids. As a result of the agreement, DiNapoli has withdrawn his shareholder proposal submitted for the company’s 2013 proxy statement calling for a report on the use of these substances in Cabot’s shale energy operations.

DiNapoli: Special Education Providers Charged Taxpayers for Excessive Salaries and Personal Items

The owners of two Manhattan–based special education providers claimed more than $500,000 in expenses to which they were not entitled, including extra money for their salaries, vehicle costs and personal expenses, as well as bonuses for staff that could not be justified, according to two audits released Thursday by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The audit findings are being considered for referral to law enforcement.

DiNapoli: Court Allows Securities Litigation Class Action Against BP To Move Forward

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli commended a Houston federal judge’s decision on Thursday to allow a securities class action case against BP plc to go forward. “We are pleased that the New York State Common Retirement Fund’s claims on behalf of BP’s investors will proceed,” DiNapoli said. “Shareholders saw their investments plummet in value following the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. Now information has come to light that BP was wholly unprepared to respond to the risks of its deep sea operations and incapable of adequately reacting when something went wrong.”

DiNapoli Receives Hubert H. Humphrey Humanitarian Award

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli received the Hubert H. Humphrey Humanitarian Award in recognition of his lifetime of public service to the state of New York and its citizens. The award was presented at the United Federation of Teachers’ annual Greater Metropolitan New York Social Studies Conference held last the weekend at which DiNapoli delivered the luncheon keynote address.

DiNapoli: Gloversville Faces Fiscal Challenges

Long–term population loss continues to limit economic growth in the city of Gloversville, according to a report issued Wednesday by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. City officials, however, have established critical rainy day funds by controlling the growth in spending, which helped lead to a recent upgrade to the city’s credit rating. The report is the latest in a series of fiscal profiles on cities across the state released by the Comptroller’s office.

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Wednesday announced his office completed audits of:
the Town of Bangor; the Town of Black Brook; the Town of Florida; the Jericho Fire District; the City of Mechanicville; the Town of Olive; and, the Watertown Housing Authority.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Regional Economic Development Council Awards

Regional Economic Development Council Awards

A list with descriptions of 2012's council awards.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nominate an Oustanding CPA; Join the NYCON Board

2012 Michael H. Urbach, CPA, Community Builders Award Now Accepting Nominations
Submission Accepted through August 24th, 2012 
Sponsored by the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA)
Lewis Kramer, Urbach Award Recipient and Doug Sauer, CEO, NYCON
Lewis Kramer, Urbach Award Recipient and Doug Sauer, CEO, NYCON

The New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. (NYCON) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA) are pleased to announce this call for nominations for the Ninth Annual Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award.

The award is named in honor of the late Michael H. Urbach, CPA, former partner of Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, former NYS Commissioner of Tax and Finance and Chair of the State Employees federated Appeal, and board leader of a number of charities. This award is in recognition of the important role, talents and leadership that a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in New York State can provide as a board member for community-based charities.  

Award Criteria & Submission
Candidates must:
  1. Be a CPA in good standing and a member of NYSSCPA.
  2. Have served as an Officer on at least 3 different charitable 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofits with service as President/Chair at least once.
  3. Have demonstrated exemplary board leadership resulting in significant and positive organizational impact including, but not limited to, financial turn-around, growth, and/or organizational re-structuring.
  4. Preference will be given to nominees whose board leadership accomplishments have been with community-based charities.
Deadline - August 24th, 2012
Nominations addressing the candidate's qualifications must be received by August 24th. Nominators are strongly encouraged to address the qualifications related to the four (4) criteria mentioned above and to include at least three (3) letters of support from the charities who have benefited from the candidate's volunteer leadership.

Send two (2) packets of nomination materials to:
Urbach Community Builders Award Committee
New York Council of Nonprofits
272 Broadway
Albany NY 12204
or email the packet to Melissa Currado, Executive Assistant to the CEO at

NYCON Now Accepting Applications for Board Membership
A great opportunity to volunteer your time and lend your expertise to help nonprofits of all types improve the quality of life in New York State. 
The New York Council of Nonprofits' Board Development Committee  is now accepting applications for nominees for its Board of Directors.

Terms are for three years, starting January 1, 2013, with a three consecutive term limit.  Successful nominees will be presented for election to our Membership at NYCON's Annual Meeting on October 4th in New Paltz.
Applicants must be individuals of high integrity, demonstrate commitment to our state's nonprofit sector, and be willing to invest the time, effort, expertise and influence necessary on a regional and statewide basis to further NYCON's mission.

All applications will be considered by the Board Development Committee however priority consideration will be given to individuals who meet more than one of the following characteristics:
  • Resides in Hudson Valley, Metro New York or Central New York regions
  • Has public policy knowledge & expertise, particularly with respect to state government
  • Has marketing & Media Relations expertise
  • Is affiliated with Organized Philanthropy
  • Has Banking & Corporate Business expertise & affiliations
  • Is a racial or ethnic minority
Applications are due by August 27th, 2012. If you are interested we encourage you to review the NYCON "Board Brief" document and complete the application below:
Candidates are recommended to the Board by the Committee and the Board in turn recommends a slate to the NYCON Membership which convenes for our Annual Meeting at Mohonk Mountain House on October 4th during Camp Finance.

Board members elected by the members begin service in January 2012.

Questions? Please contact us.
All About the Board Members...

Thank You to Our Supporters!

NYCON and NYSSCPA would like to recognize The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region for their grant contribution towards the Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award.

For More Information
visit NYCON at
or contact
Melissa Currado at (800) 515-5012 or 

Co-sponsored by
The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants