Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MuseumWise and Museum Association of NY (MANY) Explore Merger

Thinking creatively towards envisioning a new model of service, as with all significant endeavors we started with an idea and now bring it into being with a plan. A primary goal of this investigation has been to create an open process, establishing a conduit for sharing information with and receiving evaluation from our constituencies. To that end, please enjoy this second installment of our Museumwise - MANY membership communiqué, which will bring you up-to-date as to our progress over the last few months.

Working in partnership, Museumwise & MANY have made great strides towards reaching several of our initial milestones of conducting organizational assessments of the two organizations, planning the first of two facilitated meetings of both boards and staff, and developing a stakeholder engagement strategy. Keep an eye on your inboxes, because our next round of messaging will include a link to our membership survey to gather your thoughts about consolidation and what a new model of service may look like for you.

Our next significant milestone will be the first joint meeting of the boards on July 18th in Albany. Led by our facilitator Scott Sears, this will be an opportunity for the Museumwise and MANY boards to sit down together to get acquainted with the vision, value and service of each other's organization and to begin envisioning the qualities of and defining the outcome criteria for a blended organization. The rapport developed among the T7 planning committee has set the stage for a progressive and productive session with the two boards. As a launching point for these discussions, the T7 compiled an organizational assessment document placing Museumwise's and MANY's services, programs and future interests side by side to establish similarities between and distinctiveness of the two organizations.

One of the activities on July 18th will be the creation of a 'shared history' - a timeline of trends and events that have defined the New York State museum community and Museumwise's and MANY's histories over the last 10+ years. Can you help us flesh this history out?

Please share with us your thoughts about the trends and events that have defined each organization and our collective professional community by sending them along to Catherine and Anne

Thanks in advance for your replies -

Best regards,

Catherine Anne
Catherine Gilbert, Anne Ackerson,
Executive Director Director
Museumwise Museum Association of New York

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