Saturday, January 31, 2015

Updated Revitalization Act Compliance Resource Available

New York State Nonprofit Revitalization Act: 
Remedial Action Plan for Compliance 

$300 for Nonprofit Members of NYCON. 
Purchase includes one hour of implementation assistance.

In December 2014, the Governor signed the Nonprofit Revitalization Actinto law. It is the first major revision of New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (NFPCL) in over 40 years and most of its provisions took effect July 1, 2014. The Act comprehensively reformed the NFPCL and had a significant impact on the governance policies and practices of the state's nonprofits. In order to comply with the new laws, the vast majority of nonprofits still need to amend their bylaws and/or revise or adopt new policies.

What is Included in the Remedial Action Plan for Compliance and How Can it Help Our Nonprofit?
In order to help ensure that member nonprofits are in statutory compliance in an expedient way, NYCON prepared the Remedial Action Plan for Corporate Compliance. The Plan provides a Resolution for the Board of Directors to adopt a "Statutory Compliance Article" as a bylaw amendment along with five accompanying policy documents to be attached as Appendices to the Bylaws. The Action Plan purchase also comes with one (1) free hour of implementation assistance (via phone) with a NYCON staff member.

Appendices Included in the Plan:
  1. Bylaws and Corporate Policy Definitions
  2. Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy
  3. Code of Ethical Conduct and Annual Potential Conflicts Disclosure Statement
  4. Whistleblower Protection Policy
  5. Audit Oversight Policy
This resource is available to current nonprofit members of NYCON.
If you would like to renew your membership, please click here.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact us. 

Update on Bylaw Review Services:
NYCON Members can now have their bylaws reviewed and revised for compliance with the new Nonprofit Revitalization Act as well as for other areas of improvement, including best practices. Learn More.
If you are interested in receiving a bylaw review, we encourage you to please inquire soon as our volume of requests is very high. We will prepare a quote at no charge. To do so, we will need to ask you a few questions about your existing policies and procedures -- as well as take a look at your current set of bylaws.To receive a quote for a Bylaw Review please click here and fill out our questionnaire.
Legal Reminder and Disclaimer:

The documents provided in the Remedial Action Plan for Corporate Compliance are aimed at assisting not-for-profits to be minimally compliant to the Act in bylaw and policy statements.
Please be reminded that every Board of Directors has a fiduciary obligation to ensure that bylaw and policy statements are properly and consistently carried out in practice.

 We encourage all users of this material to obtain qualified legal counsel and, where appropriate, guidance from a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to advise in any modification and to specifically identify what other provisions in the Act may mean for your organization.

Please read the NYCONEnd User License Agreement before completing your purchase.


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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Federal Funding Rules Take Effect, New Money Available

Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Issues FinalGuidance: New Rules Mean New Responsibility and Additional Support for Nonprofits
The final rules of the OMB Uniform Guidance have been established. The good news is that Governments at all levels - local, state, and federal - that hire nonprofits to deliver services are now required to reimburse nonprofits for the reasonable indirect costs (sometimes called "overhead" or "administrative" costs) they incur on behalf of governments when federal dollars are part of the funding stream. 

Nonprofits that have never had a federally approved indirect cost rate can elect either the de minimis rate of 10 percent of their modified total direct costs (MTDC) or negotiate a higher rate in accordance with the federal cost principles. Nonprofits that have already negotiated a federal indirect cost rate must be paid that amount.  

The (somewhat) bad news is that the OMB Uniform Guidance only provides a promise of better treatment of nonprofits providing services under programs funded in whole or in part by the federal government. Turning that promise into reality requires actions on the part of every nonprofit earning federal funds, either directly or from pass-through entities. By understanding what the new cost allocation rules allow, and managing costs accordingly, nonprofits can secure reimbursement for more of their costs than formerly allowed.

Know Your Rights, Ensure Proper Payment:
Resources to Educate & Empower Your Nonprofit
Nonprofits and the New OMB Uniform Guidance: Know Your Rights ... and How to Protect Them To help nonprofits get started, the National Council of Nonprofits has prepared a overview paper, "Know Your Rights ... and How to Protect Them." This analysis summarizes nonprofit rights and highlights potential compliance challenges and how the Uniform Guidance should be properly interpreted.

Save Money
Upcoming Webinar: Show Us the Money! 
February 6th. Register Now.
This session will provide an overview designed to help the executive director, fiscal director, program director, and grants managers alike - get up to speed on what is included in the new OMB Uniform Guidance and identify internal changes that may be needed to keep their good standing, as well as benefit from the recognition that governments need to pay their fair share when purchasing services from nonprofits. Moreover, this session will provide some practical solutions for dealing with the misapplication of requirements you may encounter. 

Take Action: Share What You See 
Charitable nonprofits are invited to share their experiences under the Uniform Guidance - whether positive or negative - and help build the evidence for best practices and additional reforms. Fill out theCouncil of Nonprofits Uniform Guidance Implementation Report Form.

Contact Amber Vanderwarker, our Program & Policy Associate via email or at 1 (800) 515-5012 ext. 116.

Learn More!

Understanding a nonprofit's costs is necessary in order for charitable nonprofits to be financially sustainable. Rather than reporting artificially low costs, or ignoring what it really costs to deliver programs and services, the National Council of Nonprofits is encouraging all nonprofits and board members to model transparency of full costs.
OMB has published a joint Interim Final Rule
 designed to update the regulations of all federal departments and agencies required to follow the OMB Uniform Guidance. The new regulations went into effect on December 26, 2014, but stakeholders have 60 days to propose changes. Nonprofit personnel are encouraged to review these regulations. Let federal officials know if changes are needed by filing comments before the comment period expires on February 17, 2015.
Designed with the needs and resources of the smaller to medium sized nonprofit in mind, NYCON's Chief Fiscal Officer and staff have designed a "fool proof" tool for developing a streamlined, compliant and easy to understand budget.


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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Upcoming Events & Webinars

NEW! February 6th, 2015  11:30 am to 1:00 pm
OMB Uniform Guidance: Show Me the Money!
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards 
[Lunch & Learn Webinar]

Did you know that as of December 26th, 2014 the Federal Government now mandates that
 nonprofits must be reimbursed for some or all of their indirect costs when performing services for governments at all levels - local, state, federal - when  federal funds are being used (either directly or via state or local 'pass through' agencies)?  Yes, this means they will pay for "overhead" (a.k.a lights, rent, administrative support, etc.) 
NYCON and the National Council of Nonprofits will present an introductory webinar to provide the most recent information about these changes and how your organization can start taking advantage of them. This session will provide an overview designed to help the executive director, fiscal director, program director, and grants managers alike - get up to speed on what is included in the new OMB Uniform Guidance and identify internal changes that may be needed to keep their good standing, as well as benefit from the recognition that governments need to pay their fair share when purchasing services from nonprofits. Moreover, this session will provide some practical solutions for dealing with the misapplication of requirements you may encounter.

February 17, 2015  1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
How To Build a Better Webinar: A Toolkit for Nonprofits 
Four 90-minute webinars, Tuesdays in February and March
Presented by Idealware
IdealwareJoin Idealware as they show you how to create engaging webinars that bring people together from across your organization. They'll talk about the most effective ways to communicate in a webinar format; how to build in interactivity and facilitate participation; the tools you can use to develop, record, integrate, and distribute your webinar; how to market your webinar to encourage broad participation; and how to measure and interpret your webinar's success. Throughout the course, you will:
  • Identify the times when a webinar is the right approach for your organization and your audience
  • Learn what your viewers need to get from your webinar and how to reach them across various learning styles
  • Get tips on how to make your webinars more interactive
  • Review the latest tools for creating and managing your webinar
  • Think through the logistical and technical considerations
  • Discuss promotional strategies and best practices
  • Learn about ways you can evaluate the effectiveness of your webinar

February 18, 2015 10:30 am to 12:00 pm 
Basics of Online Social Networking for Nonprofits 
[Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Presented by Jay Wilkinson, Firespring
In this 90-minute educational session, you will learn how to increase your constituency base and donations to your organization by using social media tools. You will learn:
  • The importance of an engaging website as the foundation of your online efforts;
  • How to use Facebook to create awareness for your organization;
  • How nonprofits are using Twitter for the greater good;
  • Why nonprofits should be LinkedIn and power tips to connect effectively;
  • Steps to creating a blog for your nonprofit, including how to maintain a blog long-term; 
  • The 10 commandments of social media.
You won't want to miss this engaging and informative session led by Jay Wilkinson, one of America'stop-rated speakers!

February 20, 2014 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
NYCON Membership Benefits Orientation [Webinar]
In our "Get to Know Us" Sessions, NYCON staff will tell you a lot more about our membership benefits - and answer all the questions you have regarding our process, costs and what you get for FREE. Find out how Membership will benefit you by attending this 1-hour session. Learn all about our:
  • Nonprofit Training, Education and Professional Assistance. NYCON empowers our members with the best practices, policies, and procedures as well as information on ever-changing regulations, funding, accountability and more.
  • Cost Savings Solutions for Nonprofits. NYCON leverages the purchasing power of thousands of nonprofits to bring you economies of scale on everything from Office Supplies to Employee Benefits. 
  • The Nonprofit Voice in New York State NYCON represents our members on the local, state and national level, giving voice to small and medium sized nonprofits everywhere.

February 20th, 2015     11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Complying with the Nonprofit Revitalization Act in New York State [Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Presented by Michael West, Esq., Senior Attorney, NYCON 

The Nonprofit Revitalization Act is a landmark change in the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York that ushered in a modern era for the operation and governance of nonprofit corporations on July 1, 2014. During this in depth webinar NYCON's Senior Attorney will provide members with a comprehensive overview of the Act as well as take a closer look at the various topics included in the Act that are new and have implications on compliance and board governance in general and your operations specifically. This session will provide you with an overview and a practical set of actions to take to amend your bylaws to meet the new standards of the Act.

NYCON is pleased to bring a full calendar of "Members Only Lunch & Learn Webinars" to you in 2015. If you have not renewed your membership you can do so by clicking here. If you are not sure of your membership status please email us at Please note that this webinar is available to 
nonprofit members only.

Plan Ahead for March...
Upcoming Lunch & Learn Webinars

March 12, 2015 11:00 am  
In this Issue...

Nonprofit News & Alerts

Free Fundraising Workshops Offered to Members...
Network for Good Nonprofit 911
We are pleased to announce that the"Fundraising Fundamentals"Trainings from Network for Good are now absolutely free to members. This are normally priced at $360 fro the full year-long subscription.

Find out how you can raise more money and retain donors with our training. As a premium training subscriber, you'll get access to:
Step-by-step fundraising plans
Fundraising checklists and templates

Personalized expert reviews of your appeals, website, and more 


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