Tuesday, March 4, 2014

News From Museum Association of New York

Newsletter of the new Museum Association of New York
February 2014
265 River Street, Troy, NY 12180  www.manyonline.org
Museum Institute at Sagamore

We're dedicating this month of February to love, not the cavity inducing hearts and sonnets amour but rather sharing our love for museums!  


I give you 10 reasons to fall in love with the Museum Association of New York ~ 
  1. We don't just talk - we listen. You asked for sessions focused on skill building for museum professionals and organizational capacity building and we listened. The 2014 Museums in Actionconference will feature both theme-oriented STEM to STEAM sessions as well as Museum Must-Haves and Professional Affinity "Coffee Talks".
  2. We've saved you a seat at the table - MANY's advocacy with elected officials, agency leaders, and funders on arts, cultural, tourism, and economic development issues ensures your institution's voice is heard.
  3. We think that museums make STEM ~ STEAM-y and so do our Museums in Action Keynoters.
  4. We like to keep it fresh and forward-looking. Supporting emerging museum professionals with resume reviews; poster session opportunities; and discounted (read: free) rates.
  5. We know how hard you work, and we want to give the recognition you deserve - recognizing best practices within the field through ourAwards of Merit.
  6. We think that your new strategic plan makes you look good - really good. Supporting the outstanding work being done in New York's Museums by administering $102,000 in NYSCA funded Grants for Museum Advancement.
  7. We keep you connected - providing timely and trusted information about issues affecting museums throughout New York; actively participating in the NYS Board of Regents Advisory Council for Museums.
  8. We are Museumwise - providing Online Courses; Salary & Benefits Survey; Samples and Resources to support, promote and empower museum professionals in New York and beyond.
  9. We're happy to collaborate with clever partnersto bring you professional development opportunities. 
  10. We LOVE museums and are committed to supporting the people who work in them! We are grateful to the MANY community for generously sharing your passion for extraordinary museums!
With best regards,  
 gilbert signature
Catherine Gilbert, Director
Stay Connected - Please be sure to update our
contact information 

Catherine Gilbert, Director director@manyonline.org
Dana Krueger, Associate Director-Programsdana@manyonline.org 

Members - keep an eye on your inbox for our 2014 MANY Board Ballot. One of the benefits of membership in the Museum Association of New York is to cast your ballot for the leadership of this association. Not yet a member? Join today!



Support Tourism... Pump Up the State's Economy
Tourism Action Day 2014
Tourism Action Day is taking place March 4, 2014. Governor Cuomo has made tourism a priority, so we're heading to the Capitol to show the Legislature that it's our priority too! MANY is a partner in the Tourism Industry Coalition who is sponsoring the day's events. We will hear about the issues facing the tourism industry (which includes Museums!) and then make our rounds, visiting the Legislators to lend our voices to the cause. 

Come and tell your elected officials you need their continued support both statewide and at the local level. If you would like to attend and be a part of the action, register here by Thursday, February 27, 2014.

Washington update: 

2014 Advocacy Day is Here!  null 
MANY is a proud sponsor of Museum Advocacy Day! Join Director Catherine Gilbert and Associate Director - Programs Dana Krueger at this year's Advocacy Day! Can't attend? Follow our progress on Twitter@nysmuseums 

Want to know why you should advocate for your museum and how? Not sure what advocacy is? Check out this article to find out! Then take 75 Minutes to learn 75 ideas for advocacy. And finally, if you can attend in person, you can advocate from anywhere. Learn how with this step by step guide.

Wish us luck as we represent NYS's museums, zoos, botanical gardens! 

2014 Congressional Honorees Selected 
AAM recently announced that U.S. Senator Tom Udall (D-CO) and U.S. Representative Michael Grimm (R-NY) will be honored during Museums Advocacy Day this year. Grimm has consistently been one of the champions in Congress for the annual funding lending support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Udall has been a leader in support of both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, and has introduced legislation to expand both the Public Lands Corps and historic preservation education programs. 

MANY Membership 

Giving You Great Benefits!
Don't let your membership slide! Renew or Join today!  

If you have received a renewal letter, please send in with payment so you can continue to receive all the great benefits MANY has to offer!

If you're not yet a member, we're showing our love this month by sharing our member-only newsletter with you. This is a benefit you would receive monthly, along withMANY other super opportunities! Already a member? Share the love with a colleague. We are truly stronger together.  

Visit our website to sign up today! 
Feel the power of MANY!

Looking for inexpensive, yet professional training for your staff, volunteers or board members? Check out one of our online Collections Care and Preservation courses. The topics range from specific "How-to's" for working with paper to learning about reformatting. Historical societies, art museums, science museums, and archives are just some of the organizations
who have benefited! And the best part - they're not scary! Courses can be taken at your own pace, with 2-3 hours of work time per week to be completed at your convenience.  The courses also offer interaction with qualified instructors and assignments are based on your own collections.  

Register now for these courses!
  • Conservation & Preservation of Photographs & Albums - March 3-28
  • Climate Control for Small Institutions - March 31-April25
  • Basic Preservation, Care, & Handling of Paper-Based Materials - April 28-May 23

For more information or to register for Spring 2014 courses, 
visit our website

 MiAGet Ready for the 2014 Museums in Action Conference!

Register NOW for NYS Museums in Action     

Take advantage of the Early Bird rate while you can!Go online to register now or print a form to mail in with payment.

This year we're providing sessions on the STEM to STEAM theme as well as some requested sessions for Museum Must-Haves!

Here are some samples of what you will find:
The Ins and Outs of Engineering STEAM Programs
What are the ins and outs of engineering successful, affordable, and meaningful STEAM related activities for young learners in a museum setting? Come join your colleagues in "building" on these questions and more!

Full Steam Ahead! Service Learning, Collaboration and Partnerships Will Keep You on Track
Art in science museum? Math in a cemetery? Geography in a photograph? This and more STEAMy stuff! Don't let a lack of disciplinary expertise hold you back... full STEAM ahead for new ways to tackle this new curricula.
Designing Exhibitions: Keeping it In-House and Out the Door  
Join Andrew Saluti, Assistant Director of the Syracuse University Art Galleries, for a hands-on session that explores various techniques and tips for exhibition development and design, and the process of turning your institution's exhibitions into traveling exhibitions. Gallery design, basic didactic implantations, and an exploration of how you can create dynamic gallery elements using new technologies yourself, will be discussed. Then, learn to market your exhibitions using online tools, simple prep and collegial networks. The ability to produce exhibition materials in house instead of hiring out empowers your institution and creates potential income streams that will benefit your museum.

Making a Case With Data and Stories - 
Presented by the Cultural Data Project       
Participants will explore the impact of stories combined with data, then work together to develop example cases to be used by museums as they advocate for themselves and the sector. 
einstein steam 
This is only a sampling of what's to come at the conference in 2014!!Be sure to check out the other opportunities as they unfold in coming newsletters.

For more information on the conference, check out the website

See you in Albany! 
TRUsing Dialogue to Promote Engagement & Enhance Relevance Among Museum Visitors Workshop
When: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:00am - 5:00pm

Where: Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site - Buffalo, New York

This full-day, hands-on training session provides an introduction to facilitated dialogue. This interpretive technique allows museums to better connect with their visitors and engage in conversations about critical issues. It has been used with great success at museums like the Lower East Side Tenement Museum.

Led by: Sarah Pharaon, Program Director at the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience. Participants will explore what makes dialogue such an effective tool in museum settings. Case studies, coupled with participatory activities and discussion, will demonstrate how facilitated dialogue techniques can be used successfully with audiences of all ages and various learning styles. Participants will leave with a "toolkit" of proven strategies they can take home and put into practice at their organizations.

Who Should Attend: This session is perfect for staff and dedicated volunteers from museums that would like to engage with their visitors in a more active and meaningful way, but aren't sure where/how to start. Facilitated dialogue training will not only benefit museum educators, tour guides, and staff responsible for public programming, but also museum studies students.

Cost (includes boxed lunch): $20 MANY Members/$25 Nonmembers

Space is limited - register early! 

For more information, please email Lenora Henson or call (716) 884-0095.

Co-sponsored by:

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