Sunday, January 27, 2013

Updated Economic Impact Brochure now available

Updated Economic Impact Brochure now available

I am pleased to provide our members with the completed Non-Profit Economic Impact Brochure that was created by Riger Advertising.

A special Thank You to those organizations who helped to fund this final stage of a multi-year project.

The pdf file attached is a printable version of the document for your use.  If you are unable to make colored copies and need
to have some made you can contact Deborah Fitzgerald for assistance.

With this portion of the project finally completed, we need to look toward what we would like to accomplish in 2013. This last year we were not able to meet as often as we have in the past. The steering committee focused on getting the brochure completed.

To move forward we will need some new volunteers who are willing to step up and join the steering committee. The current steering committee most of whom have been in place since the group started needs to begin rotate off so that the group can be representative of our whole community of Non-profits. If having an opportunity to meet with, share with and learn from other community ED's has been important to you please consider adding just one more thing to your already very busy life and help keep the Non-profit sector of our community connected.

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