Thursday, December 13, 2012

Idealware: Helping Nonprofits Make Smart Software Decisions

Nonprofit Technology Survey

How much do nonprofits budget for technology annually? How effectively do nonprofits feel they are applying technology to fundraising for their cause? To find out the answers to these and other key questions about nonprofit technology practices, we're helping to distribute a  survey created by NTEN, a membership organization of nonprofit technology professionals. 
Please participate in the survey here.
The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Everyone who takes the survey before December 21st will be invited to enter a drawing for a $500 Amazon Gift Card.
This survey is intended for the person at your nonprofit organization most likely to manage technology and/or staffing decisions. Not you? Please forward the survey to the person who is.
If you are a consultant or provider who works with nonprofits, please forward this invitation on to your nonprofit clients.
Please take the survey online here.
NTEN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides education and resources regarding effective technology management in the nonprofit sector. All responses will remain anonymous and only be reported in aggregate. A report based on the findings from this survey will be made available in the first half of 2013, as a free resource for the nonprofit sector.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Amazing! I understand all great things come to those that (patiently) wait. Is their any reasonably accurate projected timeline for the 2.0 release?
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