Monday, October 26, 2009

CommonKindness Rewards Community Volunteers

CommonKindness is promoting an innovative contest to encourage community service and volunteerism. There are only 5 days left to enter!!! is accepting nominations from the general public to enter their favorite “do-gooders” in a contest to win a 5-night Caribbean Cruise, sponsored in conjunction with Cabot Creamery Cooperative and Celebrity Cruises. Nominations are being accepted through October 31st, 2009.

Seven winners making a profound difference in their communities and the world through their good deeds will be announced on Nov. 15th to win a cruise to the Caribbean for themselves and one guest, including airfare, in January 2010., Cabot and Celebrity Cruises would like to encourage and reward everyday “unsung heroes” who work so hard and selflessly to make the world a better place.

Send Your Favorite “Do-Gooder” on a Caribbean Cruise for two!
(Who knows, maybe they’ll choose to bring you along!)

In every community, there are unsung heroes who quietly work behind the scenes to improve our communities and the world.

The reward for these special people usually resides in the good work they do, not in the recognition they receive. But today you can reward your favorite “do-gooder” by nominating them to win a 5-night Caribbean cruise for two!

Simply visit to enter them into a contest to win a 5-night Caribbean cruise for two, including airfare, sponsored by CommonKindness, Cabot Creamery Cooperative and Celebrity Cruises.

Entries must be received by 11:59 pm on Oct. 31st, 2009 so act now!
Seven lucky winners will be chosen on the merit of their community service and the impact it has on their community or the world.

Nominations are being accepted at through 11:59 pm October 31st, 2009. Winners will be announced on November 15th, 2009. Valued at approximately $3,244, the cruise is scheduled for January 23rd – 28th, 2010.

Remember to visit every week to save an average of $1,300 a year for your family on your groceries and other purchases. CommonKindness offers thousands of online coupons and discounts accepted at most supermarkets and retailers near you.

Best of all, every time you use a coupon or discount with CommonKindness, funds are generated to help support the charities and causes you are passionate about - at no cost to you!

Each time you use a coupon or online discount with CommonKindness, companies posting their offers pay advertising fees. CommonKindness shares 60% of its income with the causes and charities you choose from more than a million non-profit organizations already included on the site.

CommonKindness supports the charities and causes you are passionate about by putting money into your pockets instead of taking it out!

Dana Valdez
Director of Operations
845-254-4535 ph
845-254-4549 fax

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