Sunday, November 23, 2014

Upcoming Events & Webinars

Best Practices for Internal Controls in Small Arts Organizations [NYSCA Webinar]
December 4th, 2014 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM 
business-see-saw.jpgThis webinar is free and the live version is open only to nonprofits receiving funding from the NYS Council on the Arts. The recording will be made available to NYCON Nonprofit Members.
Many small arts nonprofits have limited administrative staff, but the same expectations from funders (and regulators) regarding their organization's internal controls. NYCON has seen this issue come into sharper perspective as we, and many of our nonprofit members (including smaller arts groups) have had to go through the NYS Grants Gateway and Prequalification process in order to continue to receive our state funding. One of the biggest questions we heard during this process was "How can we possibly create, document and consistently apply complex Internal Control processes in an organization with 2 or 3 or 4.... staff people?" This training will focus on the implementation of simple, yet effective internal controls processes that allow your organization to reap the benefits of accountability, efficiency, and fraud prevention despite running a smaller nonprofit.
It's Not Too Late: Year-End Major Gifts Fundraising for Nonprofits [Webinar]
December 9th, 2014  12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 
Presented by Andy Robinson, Consultant and Trainer
Andy Robinson Consulting, LLC
Cost:  $49 Member Rate $69 Regular Rate  REGISTER NOW
NYCON is proud to partner with our State Association colleagues in Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina to bring you this webinar.
The most effective way to raise money is face to face -- and the most lucrative time to ask is right now!  In this webinar, Andy Robinson will walk you through the process of major gifts fundraising, step by step. Whether you're a veteran fundraiser or new to the field, you can expect to gain practical information and advice to help in:
  • Identifying prospects
  • Setting up appointments
  • Meeting with donors
  • How to structure the conversation -- and "the ask.
Materials & Log-in/Call-In Instructions: Webinar materials (PowerPoint PDF and other handouts), along with instructions on how to log in and call-in, will be emailed to attendees prior to the date of the webinar.
Nonprofit Committee Structures under the New Nonprofit Revitalization Act [Lunch & Learn Webinar]
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 from 11:00am to 12:30pm
Presented by Susan Weinrich, VP of Organizational Development Services
Free & Open to NYCON Members Register Today
Join us for this webinar and explore the changes in nonprofit board committee structure under the new law. Many rules have changed regarding board committees and nonprofit board governance. Gone are standing and "ad-hoc" committees. Now we define them as "committees of the board" and "committees of the corporation." Do you know who can be on each committee? Do you know what the roles and responsibilities are for each? Do you need minutes for each? Who should chair them? How do we bring non-board members onto a committee? For committees of the Board, what authority do they really have and how do we ensure they are accountable to the board?  Join us for this webinar on the practical implications of committee structure changes - and learn where to start.
Nonprofit Fraud & Abuse: A Unique and Personal Perspective [Special Webinar]
Thursday, December 11, 2014   11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Free & Open to NYCON Members Register Today
The mismanagement and misappropriation of nonprofit funds is a serious issue. Not only is it illegal, and carries with it significant penalties, it also takes valuable resources from people who truly need services and damages the brand of all nonprofits. It can also severely impact the lives of those involved with the organization. In this honest and frank webinar, you will hear from a former nonprofit executive director recently convicted of conduct relating to grants management fraud.

Learn about the path he chose, the decisions he made, the lessons he learned, and, most importantly, how to avoid this type of event occurring at your own nonprofit organization.
Executive Director Retreat for New Nonprofit Leaders
December 10th-12th, Latham,NY
Participants will be introduced, through practical application, to mastery of the diverse skills necessary to achieve success in their current role. Led by a multi-disciplinary team of experienced instructors, this retreat emphasizes real world elements of nonprofit
executive leadership, management and problem-solving.
Latest Job Postings on the [NEW] NYCON
Nonprofit Job Board...

Albany, NY

Schenectady, NY

Rochester, NY

Rochester, NY

Menands, NY

Albany, NY

Albany, NY

All Members can Post jobs for FREE!
Click to learn more.

Don't Forget! Free Nonprofit Salary and Benefits Data

Participate in the Nonprofit Times Salary & Benefits Survey of New York's Nonprofits...Receive Free Executive Summary of the Data!
NYCON Members are invited to participate in a statewide nonprofit salary and benefits survey.  The statewide New York survey is part of the comprehensive national survey being conducted by The NonProfit Times.
What You Get: Just for completing the survey NYCON Members will get a Free Executive Summary of the New York State data, with full salary data for all positions.

ll members who complete the survey will receive 50% off the full report ($250) which will include comprehensive data on nonprofit salaries and benefits in your state and nationwide (including information about benefit offerings, costs, eligibility, and employee participation for 94 employee benefits from health insurance to retirement plans.) 

The survey is designed to be quick and easy, with help just a click or phone call away if you need it. New for the 2015 Survey:
  • Faster and easier to complete! Any organizations who participated in the survey in 2013/2014 can use their existing data to jump start the 2015 survey completion process. Look for an email from The NonProfit Times with special instructions on how to log-in to access this new feature.
  • Now you can take the survey with all the major web browsers
    including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer
  • More intuitive to enter data
  • More prompts to guide users

To view a sample of The NonProfit Times 2012 Salary and Benefits report for NY State, Click Here.
 The NonProfit Times 2015 Salary and Benefits Report will present survey results by multiple views to allow for quick and easy comparisons against relevant peer organizations by geographic location, operating budget, number of employees, and field of work. This report will provide detailed information on 94 employee benefit offerings, 28 job families, and hundreds of nonprofit positions with key performance metrics that can be used to benchmark compensation and benefit practice.
Survey Features
clip board/survey
Convenient and flexible
  - Complete the online survey questionnaire at your own pace and schedule.

Comprehensive job coverage - The survey collects base salary and bonus pay information on more than 300  positions.

Easy and accurate position matching - Match the positions within your organization to the survey using the intuitive job family groupings.

Ongoing assistance whenever you need it - Contact us by phone or email if you need help completing the survey.

Complete information about benefits practices - The survey gathers information about benefit offerings, costs, eligibility and employee participation for 94 employee benefits.

Organizational profile information - The questionnaire collects data on budget size, employee turnover, salary increases, employee tenure, staffing levels, geographic location, field of work, and number of employees.
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Community Foundation Atlas Now Available

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Press Release

Cheryl Loe
Communications Project Manager
Foundation Center
(888) 356-0354 ext. 701
Jenny Hodgson
Executive Director
Global Fund for Community Foundations
+27 11 447 4396

Community Foundation Atlas Now Available

Most Comprehensive Dataset About Community Foundations
Just Published

New York, NY — October 20, 2014. Today at the 2014 Fall Conference for Community Foundations, an international research collaboration unveiled the "Community Foundation Atlas," the most comprehensive directory of the world's community foundation movement that has ever been published. The online platform, available at, maps the identities, locations, assets, roles and achievements of place-based philanthropies around the world.
Among the key findings:
The global community foundation movement is gaining momentum. Embracing an inclusive definition of "community philanthropy" field, the Atlas has identified 1,827 place-based foundations in 67 countries. While the movement began 100 years ago, the last three decades have seen explosive growth. In just the past 14 years, the number of known community foundations and community philanthropies nearly doubled, growing from approximately 1,000 in 2000 to more than 1,800 in 2014.
"Place-based philanthropy is on the rise globally in no small part because community foundations have resoundingly demonstrated to the world their ability to bring local people and resources to the table to address local needs," concludes an analysis of the data gathered from the Atlas's unprecedented survey of the global field and secondary research.
The international research effort was spearheaded by the Cleveland Foundation — the world's first community foundation — located in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Research partners were the New York City-based Foundation Center, the Global Fund for Community Foundations (Johannesburg, South Africa), WINGS, the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (São Paulo, Brazil), and CENTRIS, the Centre for Research and Innovation in Social Policy and Practice (Newcastle, United Kingdom). The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, a private American philanthropy headquartered in Flint, Michigan, and longstanding supporter of community foundations worldwide, funded the project.
  • Defining characteristics: Grantmaking and accountability to local residents were almost universally reported by survey respondents as central to the mission of community foundations.
  • Collective impact: Combined grantmaking from community foundations in the last fiscal year totaled more than $4.9 billion worldwide.
  • Education the most commonly cited program area: Foundations most commonly reported extensive programmatic engagement in education, followed closely by human and social services, arts and culture, and health.
  • Strengthening civil society also a priority: In addition to grantmaking, nearly half of foundations surveyed actively foster collaboration between grantees or provide training and capacity-building services to local organizations.
  • Populations served: Almost 30 percent of respondents work at least to some extent in a neighborhood-based service area. Forty percent report having a "local" orientation, while the service area of nearly one in four includes a regional focus. A very small percentage work at a national or international level.
The Community Foundation Atlas offers a variety of entry points to further understand the reach and influence of community foundations, including:
  • Organization directory: This alphabetical listing is the portal to profile pages for 1,827 community foundations and community philanthropies. Visitors to the site can select individual organizations to review or filter by geographic region or country of particular interest. A built-in editing function enables foundations to easily update their profiles.
  • Data snapshots: A series of quick facts, deeper-dive infographics and a comprehensive, downloadable analysis present the Atlas's baseline data in accessible form. The infographics are programmed to change in real time as organizational profiles are updated.
  • First-person accounts: Foundations describe in their own words the "most meaningful change" brought about in recent years as a result of their support or initiative. Considered in their entirety, these unrehearsed accounts show how place-based foundations are helping to advance their communities' aspirations, large and small.
  • Stories of struggle and success: From the prosperous cities of Canada to the culturally rich matriarchal villages of rural India come 50 narratives chosen to convey the wide-ranging influence of the global community foundation movement. "Adding to Knowledge," "Encouraging Innovation" and "Stimulating Policy and Systems Reform" are among the highlighted arenas of endeavor.
The Atlas provides a long-needed and detailed baseline of information upon which the field can build to facilitate wider exchange of best practices and high-impact collaborations aimed at addressing tough problems that span geographical boundaries. Post-launch planning for updated content, additional research and data analysis, and enhanced functionality for the Atlas will be spearheaded by the Global Fund for Community Foundations and Foundation Center, the platform's host.
For more information about the Community Foundation Atlas, visit:
About Foundation Center
Established in 1956, Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. Foundation Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grantmakers and their grants — a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance knowledge of philanthropy at every level. Thousands of people visit Foundation Center's website each day and are served in its five regional library/learning centers and its network of more than 470 funding information centers located in public libraries, community foundations, and educational institutions nationwide and around the world. For more information, please visit or call (212) 620-4230.
Foundation Center • 79 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003 • (212) 620-4230
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Monday, November 17, 2014

November: Nonprofit Awareness Month

November is Nonprofit Awareness Month! 
Share Your Ideas and Activities for Promoting our Sector...

Yes, November is not only a time for elections, a big Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday and, most importantly, preparing for#GivingTuesday, it's also a time to celebrate nonprofits. 
This month we honor the hard work done by our community of nonprofit employees, volunteers, sponsors, donors and other friends who've made a commitment to making a difference in their communities.
To help get you started, we've created a Calendar suggesting easy ideas you can use to promote nonprofits for each day of November!

During this month, nonprofits of varying types, with a range of budget sizes, all across the state and country will come together and take pride in what we do.  Along with you, we will help to spread awareness and share information about what nonprofits truly provide in New York State - through improved quality of life, economic impact, and much more -   all month long. #npawareNY
Nonprofits: A Laughing Matter?Join the Cartoon Campaign...

NYCON is launchinga social media campaign of editorial cartoons that simply and powerfully express our sector's opinion and point of view on important policy, funding and operational matters. 
Email us your cartoon ideas for consideration.  

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Community Foundation Atlas Now Available

Community Foundation Atlas Now Available

Most Comprehensive Dataset About Community Foundations
Just Published

New York, NY — October 20, 2014. Today at the 2014 Fall Conference for Community Foundations, an international research collaboration unveiled the "Community Foundation Atlas," the most comprehensive directory of the world's community foundation movement that has ever been published. The online platform, available at, maps the identities, locations, assets, roles and achievements of place-based philanthropies around the world.
Among the key findings:
The global community foundation movement is gaining momentum. Embracing an inclusive definition of "community philanthropy" field, the Atlas has identified 1,827 place-based foundations in 67 countries. While the movement began 100 years ago, the last three decades have seen explosive growth. In just the past 14 years, the number of known community foundations and community philanthropies nearly doubled, growing from approximately 1,000 in 2000 to more than 1,800 in 2014.
"Place-based philanthropy is on the rise globally in no small part because community foundations have resoundingly demonstrated to the world their ability to bring local people and resources to the table to address local needs," concludes an analysis of the data gathered from the Atlas's unprecedented survey of the global field and secondary research.
The international research effort was spearheaded by the Cleveland Foundation — the world's first community foundation — located in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Research partners were the New York City-based Foundation Center, the Global Fund for Community Foundations (Johannesburg, South Africa), WINGS, the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (São Paulo, Brazil), and CENTRIS, the Centre for Research and Innovation in Social Policy and Practice (Newcastle, United Kingdom). The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, a private American philanthropy headquartered in Flint, Michigan, and longstanding supporter of community foundations worldwide, funded the project.
  • Defining characteristics: Grantmaking and accountability to local residents were almost universally reported by survey respondents as central to the mission of community foundations.
  • Collective impact: Combined grantmaking from community foundations in the last fiscal year totaled more than $4.9 billion worldwide.
  • Education the most commonly cited program area: Foundations most commonly reported extensive programmatic engagement in education, followed closely by human and social services, arts and culture, and health.
  • Strengthening civil society also a priority: In addition to grantmaking, nearly half of foundations surveyed actively foster collaboration between grantees or provide training and capacity-building services to local organizations.
  • Populations served: Almost 30 percent of respondents work at least to some extent in a neighborhood-based service area. Forty percent report having a "local" orientation, while the service area of nearly one in four includes a regional focus. A very small percentage work at a national or international level.
The Community Foundation Atlas offers a variety of entry points to further understand the reach and influence of community foundations, including:
  • Organization directory: This alphabetical listing is the portal to profile pages for 1,827 community foundations and community philanthropies. Visitors to the site can select individual organizations to review or filter by geographic region or country of particular interest. A built-in editing function enables foundations to easily update their profiles.
  • Data snapshots: A series of quick facts, deeper-dive infographics and a comprehensive, downloadable analysis present the Atlas's baseline data in accessible form. The infographics are programmed to change in real time as organizational profiles are updated.
  • First-person accounts: Foundations describe in their own words the "most meaningful change" brought about in recent years as a result of their support or initiative. Considered in their entirety, these unrehearsed accounts show how place-based foundations are helping to advance their communities' aspirations, large and small.
  • Stories of struggle and success: From the prosperous cities of Canada to the culturally rich matriarchal villages of rural India come 50 narratives chosen to convey the wide-ranging influence of the global community foundation movement. "Adding to Knowledge," "Encouraging Innovation" and "Stimulating Policy and Systems Reform" are among the highlighted arenas of endeavor.
The Atlas provides a long-needed and detailed baseline of information upon which the field can build to facilitate wider exchange of best practices and high-impact collaborations aimed at addressing tough problems that span geographical boundaries. Post-launch planning for updated content, additional research and data analysis, and enhanced functionality for the Atlas will be spearheaded by the Global Fund for Community Foundations and Foundation Center, the platform's host.
For more information about the Community Foundation Atlas,
About Foundation Center
Established in 1956, Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. Foundation Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grantmakers and their grants — a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance knowledge of philanthropy at every level. Thousands of people visit Foundation Center's website each day and are served in its five regional library/learning centers and its network of more than 470 funding information centers located in public libraries, community foundations, and educational institutions nationwide and around the world. For more information, please visit or call (212) 620-4230.
Foundation Center • 79 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003 • (212) 620-4230

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